04 April 2011


#Okay banner dah siap! *happy dance*

#Entri inspired by meen

Sebenarnya perut ni terasa agak lapar sebab dari tadi pagi tak makan lagi. Tak tau nak makan apa sebab stok makanan kat rumah ni agak  terhad la, limited edition. Haha.

Emm, sebenarnya, nak cerita pasal photoshop. Photo what? PHOTOSHOP la dumbass. Takkan tak tau. Barang marketZzZz nieeWwWw dowhHhhH. Hahaha, Bahasa rempit yang sangat menggelikan. High five if you think bahasa rempit is disgusting! *high five*.
Ehemm, okay back to the topic, actually, biar la orang nak pakai photoshop ke apa. Fake? Wehh, suka hati la, daripada kau tak reti nak guna photoshop langsung ataupun tak mampu nak beli or whatsoever. Seriously, people with that kind of attitude is very annoying and disgusted the shit out of me. Kau fikir kau bagus sangat ke? Biarla kan, bukannya dosa besar ke apa ke. Wtf la, i hate this type of people who judge people like that as if they are perfect or something. Only ALLAH can judge me. Fullstop. 

Haa, nampak nampak? Tak nampak buta. Dah dapat bezakan? Puas hati? :)

I think Photoshop is necessary in this world especially in the world of designing and stuff. I'm a self learner. I learn how to edit stuff from tutorials and random websites. I started learning it since 2008/09. Dah lama la juga. Even most awesome photographs has been edited on various software and I believe Photoshop is one of them. It's essential in the world of fashion or photography. Don't believe me? Well, suit yourself, I don't care. Haters gonna hate :D